Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blogs & Wikis in Education

1) Identify and describe 3 interesting/innovative ways blogs and/or wikis are being used in K-12 classrooms.
After exploring a collection of the types of blogs and wikis that are out there, I have realized that all of them have an intended purpose. The way that they are being used in K-12 classrooms vary depending on the teacher and the subject. A teacher can use a wiki to present a lesson or assignment for the students. This way students can access all that is needed to complete their assignment or project from home, assuming they have computer access. Another way that wikis can be used in the classroom is in the form of a study guide. On the Welkerswikinomics website,, there are study guides, lecture notes, and the full lessons all about the economics course. This is a great way for students to study as many are already on their computers in the evening and hate cracking open their textbooks. If all the information for studying is online, I believe that their studying time and habits may improve. One other way that wikis, and more specifically blogs, can be used in the classrooms is to have it set up as a journal for the students. The teacher can have the students create their own blogs that they will write on throughout the school year. This technological tool would replace the traditional notebook and pen method.

2) Describe how you might use RSS readers/aggregators within a classroom setting.
I could use RSS readers/aggregators as a ways to keep students informed on the most recent hot topics of health and fitness. I would have the students look up substantial websites like the, american heart association, or like sites, and have them create a feed for those sites. Then everyday the students would go onto their feeds to see if there are any new articles that are interesting. Once a week they would write a review on one of the articles that they have read that week.

3) Describe at least 2 pros and 2 cons of using blogs and wikis in education.
One con of using blogs and wikis in education is that not all students have computer access from home. If the homework is posted online, it makes it difficult for those students to complete it! Another con of using blogs and wikis in education is that it forces students to be submerged in technology, a concept that some look down upon. It takes away the ability to "connect one with nature" and such. But it is inevitable as techonolgy advancements only keep growing, forcing even the elderly the rely on technology.

One pro of using a wiki/and or blog in education is that it promotes sustainability. Instead of passing out handouts, a teacher can post the handouts and notes online. Students can also submit their assignments through the wiki and keep a journal on their blog. This cuts down the amount of notebooks a student has to buy, saving paper and money! Another pro of using wikis and/or blogs is that it propels them forward into the technology era. While I just said this is a con, it is also a pro. A middle school student who is already learning about wikis and blogs, will be ahead of the curve when compared to a college student, like me, who is just now learning about wikis and blogs. The age we live in is all about being able to get ahead and advancing faster. Being able to use a wiki and blog will help students now in their classes and in the future when their jobs. Students might be expected to navigate a wiki or post a blog for their company.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

1. Identify which of the multiple intelligences you have strengths in and then discuss some of the core characteristics of that (or those) intelligences. Discuss which of the core characteristics best describe you and your learning style.

I feel like I fit many of the nine intelligences. However, I relate the best with the intrapersonal intelligence. Out of the four core characteristics, I feel that the affective awareness and self-regulation characteristics fit me best. I am very aware of my feelings, attitudes and outlooks . I know what I want and know what goals to set to get from point A to point B. As far as my learning style, I am always setting goals for myself, from tasks to get done in a certain amount of time or grades to earn. The characteristic of self-regulation is one that I do regularly. I am always my actions, thoughts and behaviors. I always try to think my actions through before acting. I also try to act as if my grandpa or my little nephew is watching me. They are both two important people who I don't want to disappoint and so if it's something that I would not want them seeing me do, think, or say, I try to refrain from it.

2. Discuss what students with this type of intelligence enjoy, are like, or tend to do within classroom settings.

A student who is intrapersonal has self-confidence and is knows what they want. They are not shy about stating their opinions. They like to communicate their feelings and they also set realistic goals, as I stated earlier. Another characteristic that these students bring to the classroom is the ability to relate to others based on their "sense of self". These are the students whom a teacher doesn't need to worry about as much as they act appropriately and are able to act fairly with all.

3. Discuss how you will support this type of intelligence within your classroom and within your teaching.

Catering to an intrapersonal student doesn't seem as difficult as other intelligences. One way that I can support this student is by assigning assignments that allow the student to have some say on the way that they complete the assignment. This could include having the student create a fitness plan. They can create their own plan and include their choice of activities as long as it meets the specific criteria. Another way I can support an intrapersonal student is by having them set fitness goals that they want to achieve. While tyring to accomplish their goal, the students can also keep a journal of their progress.

4. Discuss what technologies stimulate thus type of intelligence.

The technologies that I can incorporate into a P.E. class that supports the intrapersonal student is a journal. As I just mentioned, it can be a journal of their progress on a goal. I can also have them do self-assessments on how they think their performance is in P.E. Another technology that I can use is a reflection on what they have learned and what else they want to learn while in P.E.

5. And finally, discuss how you see your attention to multiple intelligences could impact student learning within your classroom.

By paying attention to multiple intelligences in my classroom/gym, I will be supporting all students and their learning styles. Catering to the students' intelligences, I will help their success in school, specifically P.E. but also with their success in life. I hope that by using all multiple intelligences I will be able to have students realize their own learning styles as well as the other ways that they can learn. Not only do I hope to have them realize their learning style, but also realize personal characteristics that they have. By knowing their own characteristics, they learn more about who they are, an important thing for students to learn. This is not as easy as it seems, but with intentional planning and practice, I feel confident that I will be able to reach all types of students.