Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Engaging Students with Concept Mapping Activities

1. What impact might eh use of Concept mapping software have on student learning within your classroom? Give 2 or 3 specific examples.

A concept mapping software can be used in a P.E. or health class with some creativity. The use of a concept map can cater to visual learners as well as those who prefer to “map” out their thinking. One way that I can use a concept map is to show how different plays in a game will cause different outcomes. It would be a web type of map, or a rapid fire. Another way that I can use the concept mapping software is in the health classroom. One way that I can use a concept map is by having students make a map of their choice to represent the new food pyramid. They will have to incorporate all food groups with details of each food group. It will be up to them to chose the best find concept map to use to present this information.

2. Discuss the amount of time it may take to learn this type of application to the point where you would feel comfortable integrating it in your classroom. Do you think it would be worth the time?

I feel like it would not take me too long to feel comfortable with this concept mapping software. I have used a program like this before in junior high. Of course it would take time to get used to all of the different gadgets and applications that can be used. But with a few hours of touring the program and making my own maps, I think that I would be able to use it in my class, if needed. If I seriously do use it in my classroom I think I would want to take a workshop on it, just to be extremely comfortable with it. But honestly, I do not think I would have my students use the concept map in a P.E. class. However, I may use it as a way to present strategies of a game, as I mentioned in the previous question and give it to the students as a handout. In health, I may use it just as a different type of project for the students to do. It will be something different than a textbook and handouts. It is more hands on, and with some planning I know that I can come up with more lessons that can incorporate the concept mapping software.
Below is an example of a concept map that I made for a health class.

Teacher Web Reflections

1. Describe how you see the use of a class web site could support your future teaching. Describe at least 3 ways how you see the use of a class web site could be used to support your future teaching. Provide specific details for each example.
Being a physical education teacher I honestly do not see myself using a class website as much as the traditional classroom based teacher. However, I can use a website as a way to connect with my student’s parents. Through email and class news, parents can and will be up to date on their student’s P.E. class. I can also use it to have current grades posted. Every day after class I can update them online. That way students are not always coming up to ask me their grade, I can tell them to check it out themselves. The third way a website can be used in my class is as a resource for students. Instead of printing out a list of resources for students to use for class assignments and projects, I can post them on the website. This way students will not lose the paper, they just need to go online. It also helps with sustainability.

2. Identify what you see as the top 2 ways students could use a class web site to enhance their learning and provide some justifications for your selections.One way I identify a use for a class web site to enhance student learning is that it helps them become more technologically savvy. The world that we live in today is forcing everyone to know how to not only work a computer but be able to navigate the internet successfully. With the use of a classroom website, students will get even more practice of not only the internet, but also with all the content and hyperlinks involved in my website.

Another way that a class web site can enhance student learning is that it can make them more excited and motivated to complete their work. Many students love to be online and “connected” with the world. If their class assignments are online and they can check grades out online, they may be more inspired to do so. I know that asking a teacher about your grade can be intimidating, but looking it up online is very individualized and needs no human interaction. As far as their assignments, the website is a different genre than the traditional textbook. This makes learning new and more exciting for students. Again, the more excited a student is to learn, the better they will do!

3. Think about the page types and features of the Teacher Web system. What do you feel where the 2 strongest features or page types within the Teacher Web system? Why do you see these as the strongest?
My strongest features or page types in my Teacher Web are my about me page and my resources page. I feel that I did a short and concise explanation of who I am. I also showed pictures that shows students that I am someone more than just a teacher. My second page I feel is strongest is my resource page. I tried to get a multitude of resources for my students to use. There is everything from the mypyramid website, to camping and hiking resources. I added camping and hiking in because I would love to do a unit about camping and hiking skills. From there I would hope that students would go onto these sites and check out locations they can go to go camping and hiking.