Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Engaging Students with Concept Mapping Activities

1. What impact might eh use of Concept mapping software have on student learning within your classroom? Give 2 or 3 specific examples.

A concept mapping software can be used in a P.E. or health class with some creativity. The use of a concept map can cater to visual learners as well as those who prefer to “map” out their thinking. One way that I can use a concept map is to show how different plays in a game will cause different outcomes. It would be a web type of map, or a rapid fire. Another way that I can use the concept mapping software is in the health classroom. One way that I can use a concept map is by having students make a map of their choice to represent the new food pyramid. They will have to incorporate all food groups with details of each food group. It will be up to them to chose the best find concept map to use to present this information.

2. Discuss the amount of time it may take to learn this type of application to the point where you would feel comfortable integrating it in your classroom. Do you think it would be worth the time?

I feel like it would not take me too long to feel comfortable with this concept mapping software. I have used a program like this before in junior high. Of course it would take time to get used to all of the different gadgets and applications that can be used. But with a few hours of touring the program and making my own maps, I think that I would be able to use it in my class, if needed. If I seriously do use it in my classroom I think I would want to take a workshop on it, just to be extremely comfortable with it. But honestly, I do not think I would have my students use the concept map in a P.E. class. However, I may use it as a way to present strategies of a game, as I mentioned in the previous question and give it to the students as a handout. In health, I may use it just as a different type of project for the students to do. It will be something different than a textbook and handouts. It is more hands on, and with some planning I know that I can come up with more lessons that can incorporate the concept mapping software.
Below is an example of a concept map that I made for a health class.

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